⚠ Do not include taxes in price, tax will be added at checkout based on location.
Enter or scan in manufacturer barcode (12) or GTIN (14) from product packaging. Enter on-hand inventory (OHI) quantity for each item. To delete a line item entirely from your menu, set the REG.$ to zero (0). For product accuracy we only support items already included in our product database, which is continuously being updated /w currently over 3,000 products and 5,000 hi-res images. If there are new items we missed and need to add, please send us an email with details.
Promotional Items: Enter SALE$, promotion START date, and how many DAYS from START date the promotion will run (max 90 days). Do not include tax amounts in pricing. To pause or hold a promotion, enter todays date in START and the value -1 in DAYS to run. Both Reg.$ and Sale$ must be included for a successful submission. Maximum promotional period per item is 90 days, after which you will need to renew the promotion.